Wednesday, June 24, 2020


There's someone who's distracting
And someone who's distracted
There's someone who's attracting
And someone's who's attracted
When you're sitting at home, thinking up things
Who's to say you've not over-reacted.
Who's to say there's not a table
Laid out just for two
Roses and music and well,
What have you.

There's a tune playing somewhere
And one playing just for you
There's a film you think is brilliant
And one you can't get through
When your mind is both full and empty
Who's to say what rings as true.
Who's to say there's not a journey
To which, you haven't got a clue
With twists and turns and well,
What have you.

There's a conversation that's started
And you feel you can change its course
There's someone who's decided to ghost you
And you feel not a pinch of remorse
When everything around is moving steadily
Who's to say you can't apply force
Who's to say, you're not that bolt
That strikes out of the blue
Who burns and stings and well,
What have you.

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