Thursday, April 12, 2018


It never hurts to be polite To switch off your phone in meetings Or excuse yourself when taking a call To reply to texts that invite you to parties Or be prompt, overall.
It never hurts to be polite To be punctual and respect the other's time Or say sorry when you’re a jerk To offer to share the bill, without being asked to Or eat noiselessly.
It never hurts to be polite To take a compliment graciously Not address someone as ‘You you’ or 'Hello' Please bother to remember the name of the person And if you smell bad, use a deo.
It never hurts to be polite Say Good Morning and smile, don't be rude Shake hands firmly, not like a fish And use 'pardon' rather than 'what' And please, no actions lewd.
It never hurts to be polite And politeness isn't a gender thing I mean this for both ladies and gentlemen Respect isn't a one-way street So stop expecting if you aren’t giving.

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